$aaf CARNAgE_nEwS.TxT v3.29 (01-Apr-97) TxT Version $000 ,_gmY~~` ~~Vem__ _gииf 'MиW_. _Wиии! Mиииs. gииии[ ииииW. gиииии` ___mmmmms__. YииииW. ииииии. gmиииииииииииииWm. dиииии[ iииииииb'ииии*~~~~~~~VMиииP,ииииииW _WиииииииW_~~ '~~gииииииииs. gWиииииииииииms_ ,_mWиииииииииииm. ,Wииииииииииииииииииmz -mWииииииииииииииииииs WииииAf~~~~VMииииииP` ~иииииии*~~~~~*иииииi C.иииf~ A иииW R~Mии N ]ии~A iиии[ G ~Mиии. E иии! ииииi 'f`. .~f Wиии[ Mии[ ]и[ ]иииb Mииииии! ,ииии ии Y Mиииb иииии[ ,ииии! ]` Yииииs иииии[ ,Wииии` 'MииииW. иииии[ gиииииf 'Mиии[|ииииии ииииf -,. ~ gиииииииW_~` _- Ve__ _gиииииииииииW_. ,_gY` VMииииииииииииииииииииииииии*` 'V*Mииииии*****Mииииии**~ `~~~~ '~~~~ $aaf -+- -- -- -----------------------+++------------------------- -- -- -+- ** Members List ** UK Amiga Amida................................Ray-Tracer/Trader/Animator/Coder BraЁnLord............................................Coder/Ray-Tracer Cage......................................Sysop of REMOTE KONTROL BBS Iceman......................................Digitizer & Sampler/Coder Kei.......................Organiser/Editor 4 The Word/Gfx/Ascii/Coder Kenco...............................................Ray-Tracer/Trader Mayhem......................................................Coder/Gfx Riddler...........................Sysop of THE ORACLE BBS/Arexx Coder Ruiner...................................................Coder/Trader Wookie.......................................................Musician Zebedee..................................................Coder/Trader NORWAY Amiga Thrust.......................................................Musician UK PC Kei.......................Organiser/Editor 4 The Word/Gfx/Ascii/Coder Eon.............Organiser/Co-sysop of REMOTE KONTROL BBS/Modem Trader -+- -- -- ----------------------+++------------------------ -- -- -+- _____ __ | | /----/ | . . |-----/ |--\ \| |--З ___/__|--\ /--| __/__ | _ \ | ___/ | \/\/ | | | \ | \/ | |--- | |-----\_____|-.________|____/\____|_______| $4g5 .:```````::.. ......::' :::. .. .:....::::::::. ```:. З:. .:::::::::::::: `::::. .::::::::::::' `::::: `::. ::::::::. .:::::' ```: ::::::::::::::::'':' `: :::::::::::::: :.. :: `:::::::::::::.'' :::: :::::::::::::.... `:::: `:::::::::'' `'' ::': `::::::: . ``: . :: ' :. `::::::. . `: .::. ::: `: .:::::::::::. ``::::.::::. :: .:::::::::::::. .:::::::::::.:: :::::::::::::' ::':::::::::::: :::::::::::::. :: .::::::::::: `:::::::::::: .::.::::::::::' `::::::::::..:::::::::::::' ``:::::::::::::::::::'' ```:::::::::''' $aaf _________ |--/ \--\ /\|--------| ____/ |-----/ | /-----\ \/ \__. .__| ____/---| ___/__ | o |\ / | | | \/ |__ | |_______| \ / |--| |__________|_______| / / / / \ ( Kei \/ ј Phreaking Only 8 will be released a week after Word 13 ј Carnage will be setting up a new internet web site shortly ј A Carnage DEMO (asm) will be released next month ј Ruiner and Kenco are working on a music intro ј Amida is coding WORD 13 for a March release ј Brainlord and WiZzard are working on a Carnage Info Program. ј Merlin Is working on a Music Disk -+- -- -- ----------------------+++------------------------ -- -- -+- ** CONTACT US ** To contact us: Remote Kontrol BBS - 28.8k +44 (o)1642 650120 24hrs 7 days Sysop = Cage The Oracle BBS - 28.8k +44 (o)1494 452026 10pm-7.30 7 days Sysop = Riddler Or via snail mail: Carnage wHQ 41 Lambourne Drive Marton-In-Cleveland TS7 8QF England Email: P904938@tees.ac.uk subject: carnage -+- -- -- ----------------------+++------------------------ -- -- -+- end